Useful Links
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Main government department responsible for overseeing the British Overseas Territories (inc. South Georgia). You can find out more about their policy and environmental statements from their website.
The South Georgia Heritage Trust a charity based in Scotland that runs the South Georgia Museum
British Antarctic Survey: British Antarctic Survey, who operate two research stations on South Georgia, and have a long history and involvement with the Island. Their help and assistance has been invaluable in bringing about this site.
South Georgia Association: UK based interest group.
IAATO: International Association of Antarctic Travel Operators. A member organization founded in 1991 to advocate, promote and practice safe and environmentally responsible private-sector travel to the Antarctic.
The South Georgia Geographic Information System: The South Georgia Geographic Information System (SGGIS) enables researchers and the public to see the islands’ environmental landscape in a completely new way and will help to manage and protect the abundant wildlife that lives there, such as the wandering albatross.
National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton.